Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh Mother Earth How We Love Thee...

Bahar Shahpar at BTC Elements

44 Knots at Green With Glamour (a portion of proceeds go to Surfrider Foundation)

Royal Blush Weber at Kaight (store located in NYC)

Shabd blouse at Bekina

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. The logic behind dedicating an entire calendar day to our beloved Mother Earth is to inspire awareness and of course appreciation for the environment around us...

There are so many websites that are devoted to eco friendly fashion and living. Heck even Saks has a department on their website called Saks Green House - which is dedicated to eco friendly brands! I picked a few of my favorite items from a selection of websites that are committed to offering green designers - check them out - you wont have to feel guilty for shopping knowing that you aren't leaving a carbon footprint behind :-) Seriously - who knew it was so easy to be green!

Oh Mother Earth how we love thee...


  1. I actually didn't know it was Earth Day until I read it on several blogs. Shame on me, I guess. In my defense, I'm still suffering from a bit of jet lag. Feels good to have something to blame my ignorance on. ;)

  2. Beautiful dress and than yo to the introduction to BTC Elements. I've been eyeing all sorts of things to love!
