Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Carrie On

The countdown is officially on! We are all set to get 'Carried Away' very soon! For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past year... Sex and the City 2 is set to hit theaters May 28th and I couldn't be more excited! Anyone who knows me is fully aware of my scary obsession with the fashionista foursome! Every time I visit my lovely friends in NYC they are tiredly hearing about how this and that restaurant was featured on SATC (I should pretty much consider a job on the tour bus)... I know, I know I am obnoxious - but I jut cant help it... Patricia Field found a way to my heart with her elaborate couture along with the backdrop of the big city... I mean what is not to love... or more accurately envious of?? So anyways... as we inch closer to the big day please expect many obnoxious posts regarding my second love in life :-)

So ladies grab those cosmos and stilettos and 'Carrie On'... until May 28th that is...


  1. I was late on the SATC bandwagon- we lived without cable for several years while getting out of debt- but I rented all the DVDs one weekend at Blockbuster and fell in love! I adored the first movie and can't wait for the 2nd!

  2. I cannot wait for this movie! I get psyched every time the commercial comes on, haha!

  3. Cute blog!!!! I can't wait for this movie : )

    I am a new follower, looking forward to seeing more.

    please check out my blog as well when you get a chance (and follow if you like it as well)


  4. i seriously. cannot wait!!!!! i heart aiden.

  5. I am counting down with you! WOO HOO! :))) It seems all girls are EXCITED about this film!

    Jen Ramos
    madebygirl.blogspot.com --

  6. I JUST CAN'T WAIT AS WELL ..it is obsession , I LOVE Carrie and there is no better things to watch then SATC ..
