Can you believe this used to be a dress??
I came across probably one of the most clever things I have ever seen! A 'Do It Yourself' tutorial on how to turn your old bridesmaids dresses into throw pillows! I about died when I read the headline (could not picture it) and then clicked on the article and the pillow is actually pretty stinkin cute! Everyone has those bridesmaid dresses that you will never wear again - not that any of mine have been all that bad. It is just they are 'bridesmaidy' and most likely not going to be making any return appearances but I have always felt way to bad getting rid of them because all of them hold special memories of my best friends special days - so this is the perfect alternative! I can turn them into pillows for my house - or better yet re gift them to the brides ;-) Muuaahhahhhh!
Click here to get the full slideshow tutorial!
Pic: The Examiner