The Hills is finally coming to an end tonight... it's about time! Not saying that I ever stopped tuning in - of course I did... but am happy to finally say good riddance! MTV, the network that has produced many of my oh so guilty pleasures is finally putting a stop to the The Hills. If you ask me it has been pretty painful to watch since LC left... but it was like a train wreck that I couldn't take my eyes off of. Now I can focus my time on more important shows like the return of Jersey Shore :-)
pics: MTV
When LC left, I think that was the ending of The Hills for me. It was not the same without her.:D
Beauty. Fashion. Interior Design.
& Life According to Marie.
i can't wait for jersey shore! i stopped watching the hills after LC left. my sister kept me updated on all the happenings. glad to see it's finally over tho...they should have ended on a high note. btw, i love watching old episodes of laguna beach. it's crazy how much they all changed over the course of both shows!