Although I had a fabulous weekend... spent with family and friends - I seem to be going through a bit of bad luck... hoping that today is the turn around point!
It all started Friday night... the boy toy and I went out to get our tree (I know a bit late... but he has been out of town). We got our tree home... excited to decorate... vino in hand and Christmas tunes in the background. Checked tree trimming off our list and went to bed. At about 11:45pm (don't judge that we were already in bed before midnight on a Friday night!) I heard a glass break downstairs... I got out of bed thinking it was an ornament from the tree... to my surprise - the entire tree had fallen over!!! Glass was everywhere (all of our ornaments are glass - I now realize isn't the smartest move considering we have wood floors)... the tree stand fell right over with it... so needless to say the downstairs was flooded! Not exactly how we wanted to spend the wee hours of the night... after about 45min we had it semi-cleaned up and salvaged what we could of the ornaments and went back to bed...
Saturday was a great day... we experienced summer like weather... around 85 degrees at the beaches... we spent the evening with D's parents as his niece was in a school play, School House Rock - Ammmmazing by the way - still in awe over the kids! On our way home we decided we weren't ready to call it a night so we made a very spontaneous decision to go bowling - to our surprise it happened to be Rock 'n' Roll bowl - seriously a great night! However, I did not get into the groove of things until our last game... standard :-)
Which leads me to yesterday... My Mom and I had planned to go to the mall to get some Christmas shopping done... I agreed to help her carry boxes to be shipped... the Postal Annex is in a small, local shopping center. I saw a friend of mine from across the courtyard so I waved and because the boxes were so big I didn't see the cement block in front of me and I tripped and the boxes went flying - sunglasses flew off - I went sliding into home... as if it wasn't humiliating enough - people from all directions came running to our aide - I quickly got up... both legs skinned up and bleeding, threw on my sunglasses for security and scurried off to the post office to try and quickly forget what had just happened - however, my knee are a pretty good reminder that what happened was a reality... one word... mortified!
Hope every one had a smoother past couple of days...
pics: blame the poor quality on my blackberry!
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